Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pubic Bone Pain in Pregnancy

Today on Robin Elise Weiss has an article on pubic bone pain in late pregnancy: 
"Pubic bone pain in pregnancy is also know as Pubic Symphysis Diastasis. This is where, usually in later pregnancy, the hormone relaxin causes the pelvis, particularly at the pubic bone, to loosen. In general, this is a good thing as it makes birth easier for mom and baby. However, sometimes the separation is exaggerated and can become quite pain for the mother "  Click to read more.
My comments:  I've been seeing this with several of my clients in the past few months.  It is uncomfortable to say the least!  I would make a couple more suggestions that she doesn't make in her article to help alleviate the problem.  These would include seeing your chiropractor, accupuncturist, and/or pregnancy massage therapist.  All of these professionals have skills and options to help stabilize your pelvis and relieve the pain.  Physical therapists can also provide treatment and exercises to stabilize the pelvis.
The important thing is not to ignore the problem or tough it out.  This type of pubic bone pain can negatively impact your ability to work with your labor contractions!  It is definitely one of those issues best dealt with as soon as possible.  Make sure you are informing your midwife or doctor about what is going on.  They often will have referrals to professionals who have the specific skill needed to help.
Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and birth,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did try all of those except the acupuncturist, mainly because I couldn't find one here to work with me. Belly lifting provided me the best bet as I moved through the pregnancy with the support of the other professionals.