Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Orgasmic Birth Part 2

In my last post I started a thread about orgasmic birth, what it means to us as birthing women, our partners and as birth professionals.

In my work teaching Hypnosis for Birth and as a birth doula, I've been bringing this discussion into sessions with my clients. We talk about how to bring the love and closeness they have as couples into their closeness through birth. It is interesting the responses I get. Some are curious, some surprised and some worried that this means they are suppose to "perform" at a whole other level for birth. What do people think of when they hear "orgasmic birth"? What do you think of?

The movie Orgasmic Birth is a beautiful gentle affirming movie. My intention and desire of bringing it to more couples is to bring the love and intimacy that made the baby into their baby's entrance into the world. I believe it will bring a whole new level of comfort and relaxation for women beyond birthing techniques, and assist their partners to have a powerful role and connection with the birth of their child. It is early yet to know how much it will help, but I will continue adding this into my birth preparation work.

I attended a beautiful birth yesterday. Tho we had discussed and they had viewed Orgasmic Birth, I don't know yet how much the mom felt it contributed to her birth experience.

As she was held in her husband's arms and sitting in the birthing tub, she breathed, sighed and rocked her hips as her baby slid into the world. She never did any breath holding pushing! It was almost as if she danced her baby into the world. The couple's love and connection was clear, and her flowing with the energy of birth was amazing to see.

Of course for a wide variety of factors not everyone can experience a birth like this. There is always the risk of a woman reading this thinking if she didn't birth this way, she was somehow deficient. The sad truth is that many women who have amazing - wonderful births don't talk about them for exactly these reasons. So pregnant women get bombarded with horror stories in everywhere, including the checkout lines at the grocery by perfect strangers!

How incredible would it be for more women to hear about births like this and then find their way to the best birth possible for them - however that looks? The more we take in and hear about wonderful births the more the possibility that it can be that way is available to everyone.

I know I will remember this birth for many years to come, and will hold in my heart and in my work that more women can experience the same type of birth, in ways that are empowering and beautiful to them.