Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays!

For all my clients, friends and family-

Along with wishes for your every happiness this Holiday Season and prosperity in the New Year - comes a prayer that this finds you and yours safe, warm, healthy, happy, and loved!

I'm writing this while watching the snow that continues to fall and pile up around us. I don't remember a snowy Christmas time like this since 1996. That was the year my grandson was born. He was a 6 weeks old when the snow hit, and 4 generations got snowed in together for several days. We spent the time playing, snuggling, and marveling at our little man. It is one of my favorite memories even with the power outage and water heater that went bad!

So my hope for you is that in this year of snow that you are reveling in what is truly important in your life and making some great memories. Staying home, playing with your kids, making some cookies and watching the snow pile up isn't such a bad way to spend some December days. Normal weather and life will be back with us soon enough. One of things I love about living in the NW is that the snow is an occasional event - not the norm!

For many years now during the time between Christmas and New Year's I reflect on the ending year and get clear on my intentions and goals for the new year. This has served me well, in good times and in bad. What are your goals and intentions for 2009? Our country (and world) is in a time of challenges and changes, that will push all of us to make some new choices. If you need some help getting clear, and moving into 2009 with some new attitude and tools under your belt - I'm here. I continue to marvel at how blessed I am in my life and work. It is a pleasure working with all my clients (general adn pregnant), and feel priveleged to attend births as a doula. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your process through your life and your births, as well as sharing your birth stories and photos with me. It is amazing seeing how your babies are growing!

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your process through your life and your births! I am also deeply grateful for all the referrals I receive. Sending your family, friends, and clients to me is one of the highest compliments I can receive - Thank You!

May you have cozy, bright, and fun holidays and a joyful new year!

Many Blessings,