Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hypnosis really changes your mind

Article from a 2004 issue of New Scientist: "Hypnosis is more than just a party trick, it measurably changes how the brain works, says a UK researcher."
"Hypnosis significantly affects the activity in a part of the brain responsible for detecting and responding to errors, says John Gruzelier, a psychologist at Imperial College in London. Using functional brain imaging, he also found that hypnosis affects an area that controls higher level executive functions." Click here to read the full article.

I'm always thrilled to come across articles on evidence based information on the effectiveness of hypnosis!  There is some fascinating research over the past several years using functional MRI. 
The research they are talking about in this article reflects what I've seen with clients in terms of increasing their ability to make positive changes in how they respond to life's stressors and reducing their perception of pain.  All of this is helpful not only for childbirth but for many areas of life.
To your best births and life!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The C-Section VBAC Debate


Lessons at Indian Hospital About Births
Published: March 6, 2010

A small, underfunded hospital in Arizona, with about 500 births a year, is outperforming richer institutions when it comes to keeping Caesarean rates down. Click here to read the full story.
This is a great article with another view on the c-section (Caesarean birth) and VBAC debate.  This is an issue that is going to continue getting more and more attention (hopefully) as many women are discovering how limited their options are currently because of a previous C-section birth.
Regardless of the reason(s) for the C-section women are now being told in increasing numbers they have no option but to have repeat C-sections for their future births.  I've also had clients who have been told they should limit their pregnancies (and therefore their C-sections) to 3 due to the impact on their bodies. 
What is your experience on this topic?  Weigh in with your thoughts and comments please!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Debate of Pain in Birth

An interesting article from The Irish Times, published February 2, 2010, on the debate of what makes a satisfying birth experience and options to increase comfort in birth. 

Article excerpt:  Outlining the role of the midwife in pain management in pregnancy and the peripartum period, Denis Walsh, associate professor in midwifery at Nottingham University in the UK, said that the epidural was very effective in complicated labours, for example where the birth was being induced or sped up.

However, in normal pregnancy there was evidence that three forms of care reduced epidural use: one-to-one care in labour given by a midwife; access to water immersion, ie getting into a tub during labour; and access to self- hypnosis or hypnobirthing.

“When those three forms of care are widely available for women, we see quite a low rate of epidural, even in first-time births... Click here to read the full article

MY COMMENTS:  This is a debate not only among women, but chilbirth professionals world wide!  I appreciate seeing what other countries are finding and how they are approaching birth for their populations.  The choice to use midwifery care is an important one, and has consistently shown good results for mother and baby health, and women's satisfaction with their birth experience.

I've been teaching hypnosis skills for birth since 1995.  Many of my clients have been couples choosing out of hospital births and water births.  It is great to see the statistics on success and satisfication from using hypnosis (and water tubs) - particularly internationally.  Hypnosis has been steadily losing its "whoo whoo" reputation as more and more research validate how it works, as well as the benefits it offers.  I look forward to continuing to be a part of helping women prepare for birth with skills to truly increase their satisfication with their birth experience and to be more comfortable thru the process.

All the best,

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pubic Bone Pain in Pregnancy

Today on About.com Robin Elise Weiss has an article on pubic bone pain in late pregnancy: 
"Pubic bone pain in pregnancy is also know as Pubic Symphysis Diastasis. This is where, usually in later pregnancy, the hormone relaxin causes the pelvis, particularly at the pubic bone, to loosen. In general, this is a good thing as it makes birth easier for mom and baby. However, sometimes the separation is exaggerated and can become quite pain for the mother "  Click to read more.
My comments:  I've been seeing this with several of my clients in the past few months.  It is uncomfortable to say the least!  I would make a couple more suggestions that she doesn't make in her article to help alleviate the problem.  These would include seeing your chiropractor, accupuncturist, and/or pregnancy massage therapist.  All of these professionals have skills and options to help stabilize your pelvis and relieve the pain.  Physical therapists can also provide treatment and exercises to stabilize the pelvis.
The important thing is not to ignore the problem or tough it out.  This type of pubic bone pain can negatively impact your ability to work with your labor contractions!  It is definitely one of those issues best dealt with as soon as possible.  Make sure you are informing your midwife or doctor about what is going on.  They often will have referrals to professionals who have the specific skill needed to help.
Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and birth,